Age of Universe as per sanatan scriptures.
Brahma lives for 100 years say the Vedas and then dies and then a new universe is born. So as per Vedas our universe lives for 100 years.
Vedas say that thousands of Brahmas have passed away! In other words, this is not the first time universe has been created.
Brahma lives for hundred years say Vedas and we are in the first day of the 51st year of the Brahma.
A Year of Brahma :
Each year of Brahma has 360 days and we’re in the first day of the 51st year of our current Brahma.
Vedas say that during the day Brahma is busy in creation of life and during the night all life he created is absorbed back into him! So we will be there only for this day of Brahma, which is the first day of his 51st year. And, what does this day of Brahma means?
A day of Brahma: A kalpa
Each Kalpa(day) will have have 14 Manvantaras.
Creation happens only during these 14 Udaya Kalpas and he rests during 14 Kshaya Kalpas (his nights).
Right now we’re going through Sweta Varaha Kalpa and Vaivasvata Manvantara.
Earlier to that 6 Manvantaras, ruled by 6 manus have passed.
As per vedas 1 Manvantara = 71 Mahayugas.
1 Mahayuga = 1 Sat(Krita) Yuga(40%) + 1 Treta Yuga(30%) + 1 Dwapara Yuga(20%) + 1 Kali Yuga(10%).
Now, Kali Yuga is defined to last for 432,000 solar years.
Based on that, Dwapara Yuga lasted for 864,000 years, Treta Yuga lasted for 1,296,000 years, Sat Yuga lasted for 1,728,000 years.
Total Maha Yuga span now is : 4,320,000 years.
So each Manvantara = 4,320,000 x 71 = 306,720,000 years.
6 Manvantaras have passed so far, so 6 x 306,720,000 = 1,840,320,000 years have passed in past manvantaras.
So far 27 Mahayugas have passed in present(7th) Vaivasvata Manvantara.
27 x 4,320,000 = 116,640,000 years.
In 28th Mahayuga (running presently), 1 Krita (Sat) Yuga, 1 Treta Yuga, 1 Dwapara Yuga and Kaliyuga’s 5112 years have passed so far.
So add 1,840,320,000 + 116,640,000 + 1,728,000 + 1,296,000 + 864,000 + 5112 = 1,960,853,112 years.
These many years have passed in present year (51st) of Brahma.
Before that 50 years have passed for him.
That is : 50 x 360(days/kalpas) x 28 (Manvantaras) x 71 (Mahayugas) x 4,320,000 (each maha yuga span years) = 154,586,880,000,000 years.
Add 1,960,853,112 years to it and its about 155 Billion years.
• KALPA = 14 Manvantaras
• MANVANTARA = 71 Mahayugas
• MAHAYUGA = 4 Yugas
• YUGA = 43,20,000 Years
• VARSHA = 1 Year
• AAYANA = 6 Months
• RUTHU = 2 Months
• MAASA = 1 Month
• PAKSHA = 15 Days
• AHORATRA = 1 Day
• YAMA = 3 Hours
• MUHURTHA = 48 Minutes
• NAADI = 24 Minutes
• VINAADI = 24 Seconds
• PRANA = 4 Seconds
• THRUTI = 29 Milli Secs.
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